Open House at Southern Charm - Social Circle's Newest Venue
Lena Jane was honored to be asked out to Southern Charm's first Open House to preview their venue. I, along with my husband and best friend had so much fun. It was such a gorgeous venue and a perfect day weather wise. I feel like we did pretty good! Our biggest customers were the other vendors! I love the whole small businesses support other small businesses. Check out their Facebook page for pictures and contact info: Southern Charm. Look at the gorgeous lake behind our trailer.
I think it was a great first pop-up where we fully set up using the generator and letting the ramp down in the back. We know now that there are a few things we need to work on before our next big event. I love the ramp in the back but it could be a hazard if it was to get wet so we're going to work on making it not so slick. We also realized that it's missing a cable to let it down. Just small things but they need to be done to make it better for our customers. My priority is getting it personalized. I want people to know what we are and what's inside. Hopefully that will come soon. I'm having a hard time finding people to do it.
I am shown in the Girl Power Top
(which I have one small left in). Hannah is wearing her Utility Vest. You can shop the Girl Power Top here. It is one of my favorite tops we have ever had. It is so flattering and we actually have it coming in black. I cannot wait!
A photographer friend of mine just happened to be at the Open House as well and took a few pictures of the inside of the trailer. If you have any picture needs whether it be family, Mommy & me, newborn, wedding, etc. Free Spirit Photography (Shandi) is your girl! Take a look at her Facebook page here. She is seriously the sweetest and I love her style of photography. Below are the beautiful pictures she took for us!